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Southern Charm star Craig Conover became addicted to Adderall as he rose to fame as a reality star while studying to become a lawyer, as he detailed his battle with prescription drugs in his first book, Pillow Talk: What’s Wrong with My Sewing?

Conover has starred on the popular Bravo program about a group of socialites from Charleston, South Carolina, since it debuted in 2014, and is set to return this year for season eight.

The 33-year-old author wrote that he was drained ‘physically and emotionally’ while filming the first two seasons as he juggled law school and working as a paralegal at a law firm.  

Tough: Southern Charm star Craig Conover became addicted to Adderall as he rose to fame as a reality star while studying to become a lawyer, as he detailed his battle with prescription drugs in his first book, Pillow Talk: What’s Wrong with My Sewing?; seen in February

‘The endless nights; the booze; the struggle to keep up; and, yes, the Adderall, had kicked my a**,’ he wrote. ‘The consequences of living like a celebrity had finally arrived and beat the hell out of me.’

Craig Conover detailed his battle with prescription drugs in his first book, Pillow Talk: What’s Wrong with My Sewing?

He said he ‘often blamed my internal demons on the outside pressures I was facing’ in the early seasons of the show. 

‘Thus: The stress of work caused me to party a lot. The need to finish my work caused me to take Adderall,’ he wrote. ‘The anxiety of needing to “be on” when I went out to the bars caused me to take more Adderall. And so on.’ 

By the end of season three, his daily dosage had increased so drastically that he was taking three 15mg pills ‘morning, noon and night.’ 

Starting dosages range from 5 mg to 20 mg a day, depending on a patient’s age and whether the drug is immediate release or extended release, according to 

At the time, Conover was dating co-star Naomie Olindo, and had to hide his addiction to the prescription drug so she wouldn’t find out how many pills he was actually taking each day.

‘I had the pills stashed everywhere, just in case,’ he wrote. 

He did finally come clean about his addiction during the season six reunion and is reportedly currently off the drug. 

Power players: Conover has starred on the popular Bravo program about a group of socialites from Charleston, South Carolina, since it debuted in 2014, and is set to return this year for season eight; seen in season five

Rough: At the time, Conover was dating co-star Naomie Olindo, and had to hide his addiction to the prescription drug so she wouldn’t find out how many pills he was actually taking

He blamed his explosive break-up with Naomie on the drug as he was ‘hopped up on Adderall’ when they ended things.

‘I wanted to believe that the selfies and shots I took with fans meant I had made it. I didn’t need Naomie,’ he wrote. 

‘I would sometimes rifle through my backpack and come upon a tissue that I used to protect the pills from the moisture. I’d open it up and there would be pink dust everywhere, the remnants of what had once been an Adderall pill.’





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Craig attempted to get clean at one point, but found himself drawn to the addictive medication as he wrote about not knowing ‘how to film without being on Adderall.’ 

‘Instead of finding calm and happiness, my life had been an endless parade of searching for that next high; that next jolt of what I thought was real life,’ he wrote. ‘But it had been an illusion; a trick that my money and fame had played on me.’ 

Not great: He blamed his explosive break-up with Naomie on the drug as he was ‘hopped up on Adderall’ when they ended things

In the past: Conover tries not to watch the old shows anymore as they trigger difficult feelings, but was pleased to see a new man in 2020 when he finally kicked the stimulant to the side; seen in 2018

Conover tries not to watch the old shows anymore as they trigger difficult feelings, but was pleased to see a new man appear on the screen in 2020 when he finally kicked the stimulant to the side. 

‘Then you watch season seven,’ he added. ‘Damn, but what a difference. Gone is that ‘skinny Adderall freak,’ replaced by a confident, successful, and hustling young man.’

He’s since found love in his life once again in the arms of Summer House star Paige DeSorbo, and has made cameo debuts on her show in addition to starring on Winter House.

Craig brought Paige down to South Carolina to film season eight with his friends, including ex Naomie. 

‘Obviously, you know, hanging out with your ex isn’t normal,” the Sewing Down South founder told Us Weekly. 

‘It wasn’t too bad, but yeah, there are situations where you’re just like, “This is a wild situation to be in.” [Paige and Naomie] are fine. There’s definitely a lot to look forward to in the new season. … Paige was in Charleston a lot during filming, and you’ll get to see her dynamic with pretty much everyone.’

Reality love: He’s since found love in his life once again in the arms of Summer House star Paige DeSorbo, and has made cameo debuts on her show in addition to starring on Winter House; seen in 2021

Sew in love: DeSorbo has been supportive of her boyfriend and his latest literary work, and made a mock-up of Pete Davidson’s latest tattoo for his girlfriend Kim Kardashian, but wrote ‘My man is a lawyer AND an author’

Read more:

Craig Conover Book: Revelations About ‘Southern Charm,’ Naomie Olindo

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